Values and Traditions
Request InfoGRP’s Mission
We are guided by our mission to inspire environmental stewards through a joyful connection to nature.
Woodcraft Laws
Green River Preserve’s Woodcraft Laws of Love, Truth, Beauty, and Fortitude form the basis for our shared values, with the ultimate instruction to “Seek the Joy of Being Alive.” Their guidance and insights are posted in the lodge and shared with the camp community at our opening and closing council fires.
Truth | Beauty | Fortitude | Love |
-Be honest. Build trust in yourself and the world around you. -Play fair. Let integrity be your compass. -Stay curious. Seek the truth about the universe and its inhabitants. |
-Celebrate wonder. Appreciate all that exists in yourself and everything around you. -Nurture yourself. Extend compassion for self and others. -Protect all living things. Share in our collective responsibility to conserve the natural world. |
-Be brave. Support others when you are strong, and ask for support when you are challenged. -Live respectfully. Show deference to those with life experiences unlike your own. -Be humble. Acknowledge that the greatest and smallest among us have wisdom to share. |
-Be Kind. Show generosity to yourself and others. -Be Helpful. Do your share of the work. -Be Joyful. Seek the Joy of Being Alive. |

The GRP Logo
Green River Preserve’s logo is a triangle shaped design with drawings of an open book, trees, the river and a mountain top. The design of the logo translates to “learning to read the mountains.”
The Respect Circle
Green River Preserve is a place built on tradition and respect. Each camp session opens with the Respect Circle. All members of the Green River Preserve community agree to “respect themselves, respect each other, respect camp, and respect nature.”
Sandy’s Letter
When the idea for a summer camp at Green River Preserve was hatched, Sandy shared his vision with his father’s dearest, oldest friend, Isadore Scott. “Scotty” sent the letter attributed to Chief Seattle to Sandy for inspiration in planning the camp. The letter meant so much to Sandy that he decided to write his own letter to all campers and read it as the opening oration for all Upper Council Fires during camp.
Upper Council Fire
Each camp session begins and ends with an Upper Council Fire. At the Council Fire, we share our traditions of the Woodcraft Laws, Spirit Stones, Sandy’s Letter, Music, and the Journey Ceremony.
Spirit Stones
Over three decades of GRP Spirit Stones decorate the hillside by the Upper Council Fire. During a camp session, campers find a rock or stone that means something to them and paint it with permanent decorative paints. At the closing Upper Council Fire, campers place their stones around the campfire. Spirit Stones are a representation of a camper’s spirit and the ability to leave a part of themselves at camp.
GRP’s Superheroes
Ortman and Scrappy
Ortman and Scrappy came to life at GRP during the summer of 1992 through mentors Bob Davis and Nate Johnson. Ortman and Scrappy are two superheroes from the Planet Compost. The dynamic duo were forced to leave their happy home, the Planet Compost, which biodegraded, and were sent to Earth to fight the ORT Wars forever more.
One way sustainability is practiced at GRP is by teaching children about ORT; organic recyclable trash, or leftover food on your plate. Each night at dinner, Ortman and Scappy fly in from outer space and measure the ORT in a fun and entertaining skit. The campers love them! If ORT is controlled and there is very little, campers are in COOLSVILLE – if not, campers are in DANGER ZONE!!!! It is all composted on our GRP farm.
Doctor Dodo
Dr. Dodo is GRP’s resident wacky Ornithologist. Created in 2004 by mentor West Willmore, Dr. Dodo and his talking parrot sidekick Mr. Bojangles, visit after breakfast with the Bird of the Day. Birds native to our area are shared with creative and fun skits. Campers are encouraged to find the bird on their morning mentor hike. In 2024, a music GLP wrote a new jingle “Have you heard? Of the new bird? Dr. Dodo, the bird nerd! Squawk!”
The Cabin Fairy
The Cabin Fairy came to life at GRP through CIT , William Young in the summer of 2002. At the time, CITs were responsible for reporting the daily cabin inspections. William felt the presentation of the reports lacked imagination and creativity. He surprised the entire camp one day when he appeared with his report dressed in a pink tutu, blonde wig, tiara, and wand. In that moment, The GRP Clean Cabin Fairy was born and cleaning a cabin at GRP was never the same. Counselors on duty have great fun creatively bringing the Cabin Fairy to life each summer. Ben Mosteller, a GRP counselor, wrote a cabin inspection song jingle to introduce the Clean Cabin Fairy: “Cabin inspection is the best, you can clean better than the rest”
Dr. Dictionary and the Word of the Day
Word of the Day was created in the early days of GRP as a morning skit and exercise following breakfast. Staff would take an interesting word and make a correct and incorrect definition of it by acting it out in a skit. Campers are encouraged to use the word throughout the day.
Grand Slam
The Grand Slam is an all camp favorite. During a camp session a Grand Slam is attained when a deer, a bear, a wild turkey, and a venomous snake are spotted by a camper or staff member and witnessed by either another camper or staff member. When all animals are found during a camp session, Camp celebrates with a Grand Slam Ice Cream Party!
Camp Blessings
Morning Blessing
Win-de-ah-ho is a song written in the Cherokee and Tihanama languages and used as the GRP breakfast blessing. Campers face the East to welcome the morning sun when the breakfast blessing is sung.
“Win-de-ah-ho Win-de-ah-ho Win-de-ah, win-de-ah Yo-ho, yo-ho Hey-a-ho, Hey-a-ho Ya,ya, ya.”
Mealtime Blessing
The mealtime blessing is a GRP rendition of the Johnny Appleseed song.
“Oh! The Earth is good to me And so I thank the earth For giving me the things I need The sun and the rain and the GRP! The earth is good to me. Ah-ho!”
Evening Blessing
“Sisters Brothers” is sung at the conclusion of the evening program.
“Sisters, brothers, let me tell you how I am feeling; You have given me such treasures, I love you so.”
Rose, Bud, Thorn
At bedtime, campers share their “Rose, Bud, Thorn” with their cabin. The rose is the highlight of the day, the thorn is the part of the day that was not the best, and the bud is what they are looking forward to for the next day.