A Day at Base Camp

Request Info

Hikes, Outdoor Learning, and Summer Camp Activities

Home Away from Home

A camper’s home away from home while at camp is the cabin. Cabins are nestled in a wooded area and divided into Riverside and Mountain Town. Campers live in cabin groups of up to seven campers of similar age as well as two counselors. Each cabin is a wooden duplex structure with screen windows and contains a central bathroom. Campers sleep on bunk beds and each evening the campers will fall asleep to the night sounds of spring peepers, crickets, and whippoorwills.

Mentor Group

A mentor group is a camper’s core group during summer camp. It is a coed group of approximately twelve campers who are within two to three years of one another and are of similar hiking ability. If a camper is unable to be in a cabin group with a buddy, being in the same mentor group will result in the campers spending most mornings together exploring the Preserve.

Afternoon Classes

Afternoon activity classes are comprised of campers across the ages. Activity instructors typically incorporate everyone’s learning styles and development into a combined lesson where all campers must learn to engage and cooperate with campers of various ages and stages. This also allows for campers with knowledge in the specific activity area an opportunity to teach and assist those less experienced campers.

Most evening programs are camp-wide events where all campers and staff participate alongside one another.

Cabin Request

Campers frequently want to be in the same cabin with a friend. We are open to honor such requests when mutual, provided the campers are of the same grade and age and the assignment does not result in an excessive number of campers from the same city. Requests should be made on the camper’s application.

Here are a few other things to remember:

  • Please request one camper only. If you request several, we will pick one that is mutual.
  • Requests must be mutual, so please ask your friend to put in their request, as well.
  • Cabin assignments are made according to age and grade level to ensure compatible levels of maturity. We recognize that there may be reasons for exceptions to this policy, such as maturity beyond, or not up to, a camper’s chronological age. Where such is the case, parents should inform us prior to the time of enrollment so that a proper cabin assignment can be made.
  • We cannot guarantee placement in any particular cabin or with a particular counselor.
  • If placement in a cabin together is not feasible as requested, we may try to assign the campers to the same Mentor group so that they will go hiking together every morning.

Please be patient and understanding. We make every effort to honor bunk requests but they are not guaranteed. Cabin assignments are difficult; sometimes we make a mistake and sometimes there is no way of providing what you request. Be prepared to be gracious if we cannot accommodate your request. Cabin placement is just one part of your camper’s experience and meeting new people is strongly encouraged. Please trust that we always have your camper’s best interest at heart.

Hear from our Campers

Essential Functions of a Green River Preserve Camper

Is GRP right for your child? Check the list below as the following are expectations that all campers are held to during their time at camp. With over sixty camps in our area, if we are unable to serve your child’s needs, we can certainly recommend a program nearby that can. If your child is not able to do any of the following, please give us a call to discuss whether GRP is the right fit.

  • Listen to and comprehend oral communication
  • Effectively communicate in both verbal and written communications
  • Be comfortable in an outdoor or natural setting
  • Hike up to three miles each day
  • Exhibit self-control and self-regulation
  • Recognize and respond positively to social cues of peers and adults
  • Recover from setbacks and challenges in a developmentally appropriate way
  • Function and thrive in a community with little personal space
  • Respect and obey authority
  • Maintain personal hygiene and health (bathe, eat, use the restroom) without assistance of others.