Exciting GLPs Planned

We have two days of exciting GLPs (Group Learning Projects) planned for Wednesday and Thursday! GLPs are special, day-long activities which two and three-week session campers choose. The activities scheduled for tomorrow include:

Bioblitz at Uncle’s, Indian Cave and Hemlock Field
Crafting Leather Belts
Cordwood Cottage Tiles
Triple Falls Run in DuPont
Treasure Hunt/Geocaching
Big Bradley Climbing in Saluda
Mural and Chair Painting
Fly Fishing


Pisgah Palooza and Dolly’s
Fountain of Youth (Cordwood Cottage)
Farm to Table Pizza
Inipi Ceremony*
Horseback Riding
Native Ways Days Crafts
DuPont Hike
Tubing/Stream Ecology

*The Inipi Ceremony is a full-day GLP based on the Lakota Indian purification ceremony. Participants will sing songs and discuss personal growth goals during the ceremony, which is held in a small lodge made of saplings and covered with blankets. Our Inipi ceremony is an age-appropriate sweat lodge ceremony which is briefer and not as hot as the sweat lodge ceremonies held for adults. It is facilitated by Ben Wyrick (Bentor) who has been leading the activity for seven years and assisted by two counselors. During this educational ceremony, many elements of Lakota Indian culture and spirituality are discussed, but no religious creed is endorsed. Many campers remember this ceremony as one of their  most cherished experiences at Green River.