by Vivian Delchamps, GRP Counselor
Campout was awesome, and there wasn’t even much rain! Everyone had an amazing time!
Monday was a new day of activities, and everyone launched into hikes and events excitedly after the campout intermission.
During the morning one mentor group went to DuPont Recreational State Forest where they hiked and pretended to fly on the airstrip. Another group Polar Beared while another searched for copperheads on the Balds. We’re still searching for the elusive bear—only a few more days left to spy one!
Afternoon activities went very well, with several hits of the Dream Shot in BB Skeet. Campers also learned new skills like how to carve wands, spoons, or mini boats in Woodcrafting, and played fun games in canoeing.
In the evening was the Variety Show! It was hosted by Ms. Piggy and Kermit the Frog and mocked by Statler and Waldorf, two very disagreeable old men. The show ran very smoothly and there was some truly incredible talent, from wonderful singing to slap dancing to theater games.
It was a great day and everyone’s looking forward to a final day of normal activity scheduling and to GLPs.