Session 4: Ella's Photos

ChimpmunkAt the beginning of last week, Ella came into my office and quietly asked if she could use one of our point and shoot cameras to take photos during Session 4. Ella is the 12-year old daughter of one of our mentors, Liz Stabenow.

I showed her where the cameras were kept and asked that she write down which one she took in order to keep track – just as we ask everyone on staff to do. And then I pretty much forgot about it.

This morning I found a camera SD card on my desk with a short note from Ella. I pushed it aside due to all the work I had to do today. Finally at the end of the day I ran across it under a pile of papers and put it in my computer.  


I saw wonderful photos of campers, staff, but also photos of some of the animals that make Green River Preserve home. So, I uploaded them to our CampIn Touch album under today’s date (August 2). You can also view some of them on our Facebook page as well. Enjoy!