After mentor hikes, lunches and rest hour, the campers began their second day of afternoon activities. Because of rain, climbers scaled up to the postman’s walk in the Lodge and the chimney in the Comfy Couch Room. One little guy got to the top and was quite surprised at how high up he was. He successfully made his way across and back down without a hitch though. Another small group in the same area was learning how to collaborate on a song with ukeleles and a keyboard.
Downstairs, another group was having a grand time playing boardgames such as Battleship, Pretty Princess and Jenga. At the Pioneer Cabin, campers were learning how to make apple cider. In the Cordwood Cottage, there were several campers working intently on their artwork. One boy was focused on his cityscape drawing while a girl was putting the finishing touches on a dog painting.
At BB skeet, while waiting their turn to shoot, campers were yelling out answers to Olympic-themed trivia questions asked by their counselors. A few successfully hit the dream shot as well. Other activities today included fly fishing, theater, archery and more.
Tonight’s program is the Variety Show.