by Becca Bland, GRP Counselor
Today was a fairly normal day here at Green River Preserve. The bells rang and we headed up to breakfast. After breakfast the mentor groups met, and the theater campers departed to go to Flat Rock. The weather warmed up as the morning went on, and it was somewhat toasty by lunch (burritos). After lunch the mentors reported back. There were lots of new Polar Bears from Uncles Creek, some new Cherokee Head-Dunkers from the group that went to Hemlock Field, and a good time was had by all. The Cave group reported back that there has been so much rain that there’s practically a creek running through the cave — even in the Dry Room, and the group that went to the Balds reported seeing SEVEN copperheads and a timber rattlesnake as thick around as an arm! It was quite a morning.
After lunch all the campers and counselors returned to their cabins for rest hour, after which we started our second set of activities. There was a little thunder and a wee bit of rain in the early afternoon, so the first two activity periods were held in their rainy day locations. By the time the third activity period rolled around, however, the sun was out. One of the big exciting parts of the day is Pirate Night, when the lodge is decorated in a swashbuckling manner and everyone dresses up as pirates and eats with their hands. Quite an occasion!