Top 12 Reasons to Come to a Green River Preserve Road Show Event


  1. Pizza is typically served because it is Ruby’s favorite food.

  2. You may find your photo from the event on the GRP Facebook page and your friends will think you are a rockstar (You’ve been wanting a new profile photo anyway!).

  3. You are curious about what happened to those seeds you planted at the farm over the summer.

  4. Because, let’s be real, no matter how much you wear your GRP sweatshirt, hat, shorts, and tube socks, you are still feeling campsick. 

  5. You recently read Richard Louv’s Last Child in the Woods and refuse to let your children/siblings/friends/parents only play inside “where all the electrical outlets are.”

  6. You heard that GRP has a mountain biking program and a two-week theater camp this year and want to know more.

  7. Missy often provides a delicious baked treat like the famous caramel cake or homemade cookies.

  8. You want to ask questions to current campers and their families about their experience at camp. If you are a return camper, you want to bring your school friends so they can finally understand why you always talk about GRP.

  9. The Grand Slam bear may make a special guest appearance. AND the bear is still unnamed! Nominations are being accepted now so we can open the official voting over the summer.

  10. You want to learn (or remember) what it is like to be surrounded by people who uphold the Woodcraft Laws.

  11. The new trailer for camp really made you miss camp. Or if you are new to GRP, it made you want to find out more about GRP.

  12. Sandy is determined this is the summer you will learn fly fishing.


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