GLP day on the farm was so much fun for everyone! We decided to add a little music to our day and fashion ourselves some good old fashioned Appalachian canjos (a banjo made from a tin can for you new folks). Farmer Phil demonstrated how the process would go and they were off and running.
The first step was for each camper to cut out, round off, and smooth the necks for their canjos.
Then assembly of the various hardware onto the neck and attachment to the can. Ian was willing to risk finger and limb to help our campers cut out pieces.
And of course the really fun part, painting:)
The weather was mostly lovely and despite a couple brief down pours spirits were high. We were even serenaded by a guitar, saxophone, and of course canjo trio through out the day:)
Finally, once the paint was dry and strings were attached they set to learning their new instrument.
By the end of our time together each camper had a new and wonderfully unique instrument to begin learning to play. What a fabulous group to have down on the farm for a day!!!