Missy's Interview with The Green Up Girl

Last Monday, Missy was interviewed by The Green Up Girl for the Greener by Choice Podcast. It’s a show that spotlights green movement leaders that are making a difference around the world. Missy got to share her story and GRP’s story, why she’s so passionate about sustainability and what steps she’s taking to help make a difference in the world. I hope you’ll check it out at http://greenerbychoice.com/49-missy-schenck-green-river-preserve/

Greener by Choice is on a mission to inspire people to care for the earth and its animals. Please consider supporting the efforts of Greener by Choice by subscribing to their iTunes channel at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/greener-by-choice-green-up/id894993042.
Check out CS Wurzberger (The Green Up Girl) at http://thegreenupgirl.com/.