First day back from Campout!

Cabins started arriving in the back field around eleven o’clock yesterday morning, some strolling in and others roaring in with war cries and shouts of jubilation over their victories in the woods. The field was abuzz with reunions and excitement about their return to base camp. The cabins unpacked their group gear and then headed to lunch for their first meal back. The Lodge had a new feel to it as brother and sister cabins brought their new connections back from Campout and all the campers eagerly shared stories of snake sightings and thunderstorm evasions with the rest of base camp. After lunch, Mentors presented their GLPs (Group Learning Projects) to the campers for them to sign up. The GLPs will take place on Wednesday and Thursday and are an opportunity for the campers to dedicate an entire day to one activity or pursuit. The GLPs offered varied from primitive skills to hikes to waterfalls and canoeing trips.

After lunch campers returned to their cabins for a much needed rest “two” hours. They took the time to finish unpacking, celebrate with their cabins, and—of course—slept. After rest time was done the front field reverberated with the cheers of the corn relay as campers divided up to race against each other shucking the corn the mentors would be grilling for dinner. It was a day of rest and celebration, with free time before dinner and plenty of cabin time to recuperate from the hikes and challenges of the days previous. The Mentors cookout was both fun and delicious, and was followed by movie night in the lodge. The campers, finally clean and full of good food, returned to their cabins to bask in the glory of walls and mattresses. Though Campout is often many campers’ favorite time at camp, returning often seems just as exciting.

\Jaclyn B TC2//