Life is good for OBX Expeditioners

Outer Banks Expeditions is off to a great start. The crew began their first full day with equipment check-out (kayak, life jacket, paddle, and spray skirt) and basic skills. They learned the ways of the water while practicing steering techniques and wet exits right in front of the outpost on the White Oak River.

To enhance their skill development, the group has taken 2 different day paddles along neighboring creeks. They have seen an Egret, Blue Heron, and turtle while exploring these places and are hoping to see a lot more. Tuesday evening the leaders gave a lesson on fishing, crabbing, and using a cast net. Everyone had a blast trying these things out and ideally they will catch their dinner one night.

As part of the Expedition, each participant is responsible for teaching the group a skill. The Expeditioners are encouraged to pick a topic they would like to know more and have the use of the group library as a resource. Tonight’s lesson was given by Hank on knots and knot tying. The Expeditioners will continue to share their topics as the trip progresses.
The group is preparing for their Banks trip by taking an overnight on the White Oak River. They will practice cooking over their stoves and what it is like to “kayak camp.” Be sure to stay tuned as we post more details from their adventures!
