Opportunities to Share

Today the campers got into the swing of camp. They had a chance to further explore the Preserve on their Mentor hikes, and groups found animal tracks of coyotes, bobcats, and even bears, hinting that the Grand Slam might not be too far off! There were Polar Bears (who spent some freezing time under waterfalls) and Cherokee Head-Dunkers abound. One group went to the mine and discovered some fascinating rocks, while another explored the many chambers of the Indian Cave.

After lunch and Rest Hour, campers had a chance to attend the second day of their first set of activities. Canoes were tipped, climbing towers conquered, and Dream Shots pierced. As the rain passed in time for activities and Free Time today, campers had their first chance to try out the zip line and swimming areas, as well as the field. The field and Lodge were abuzz with groups and individuals preparing for the evening activity: the Variety Show!

Though the one-week session isn’t the longest, the campers find in it their first opportunities to share with their peers in a new way. With the Woodcraft Laws written on the walls of the Lodge and benches across camp, there is a pervasive feeling of mutual respect and understanding perhaps best seen at the Variety Show. From Pi recitation to skit-writing and instrumental performances, the campers have an opportunity to show each other what is important and interesting to them, or just make them laugh!

Jaclyn (TC2)