2015 New Parent Orientations

As April showers shed their liquid sunshine on camp, preparations for the summer are well underway and it is time for New Parent Orientations! Join me for a live video stream event every week during April to discuss some of the most commonly asked questions and to find out all sorts of information to prepare you and your child for the summer.

I’ve listed the dates and topics below. Each broadcast will be between 30-45 minutes. All broadcasts will be live streamed from 6:00-7:00p.m. and recordings will be available to view immediately afterwards at the same link provided on YouTube.

March 31 – Most Common Questions

April 7 – Pre-Camp Paperwork

April 16 – All About Activities

April 23 – Who Are the Staff?

April 28 – Highlights of 2014 NPOs

You can see that April 28 we will be highlighting some of the best tidbits from the 2014 New Parent Orientation. One of the best episodes we have ever had addresses the most common question of all, Homesickness. We encourage you to check out 2014 GRP New Parent Orientation about Homesickness and read the blog recap here.

We hope you will join us tomorrow night at 6 p.m. for our first New Parent Orientation of the year. Campers are welcome to watch as well and we look forward to getting to know you better and answering your questions.

If you have questions you would like to be addressed on the broadcast (or as questions come up during the broadcast), please email ruby@greenriverpreserve.org or use the hashtag #GRPNPO on Twitter or Instagram and we will be monitoring all of those during the events so we can answer your questions in real time.

Please let me know if you have any questions and we look forward to seeing you soon!