Chatter In The Trees, Buzzin' From The Bees

Sam selfie

Samantha Keebler caught the “adventure bug” after last summer. She spent all winter working as a photographer in Vail, CO, with Elyse Santorso not far away. At the end of April, she set out on a road trip to Ketchikan, Alaska, to be an ATV guide for Adventure Karts, passing through Yellowstone, part of Canada and the Grand Tetons where she met a moose. (Did he like to drink a lot of juice?!) In addition to guiding, Sam will be expanding her photography portfolio.

Zoe Miller and the Chapel Hill High School fencing team are the 2015 North Carolina Fencing League state champs! She thinks that the first time she fenced was against Sandy at GRP. #lifelonglearningskills

After last summer, Andie Weston decided to go back to school for nursing, but that didn’t keep her from staying in touch with her GRP family! She laid asphalt in Colorado with Nurse Brady, ran into Edward Izard while white water rafting, took a bus up to Tennessee with Holly Simmons and stopped in Georgia to hike up Stone Mountain with Catherine Schenck , to name a few. And she got engaged just a few weeks ago, to boot! Congratulations, Andie.

Emmy Belloni and Nancy Bondurant were interviewed for their local online news source about GRP this spring (read the article here: We couldn’t have said it better ourselves – thank you for helping us to spread the word!

Deven and Dillon Sawyer

And congratulations to Deven Sawyer , who graduated from 8th grade in May! We can’t wait to have him back for Session 3, along with his brother Dillon and Nurse Smita.

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