Happenings on the Farm

There have been some very exciting happenings on the farm over the last couple weeks!

First, the shiitake mushroom logs we prepared last spring have begun to fruit!!
The friendly GRP staff have already been enjoying them in soups and stir-fries. This tasty food is an excellent natural source of healthy minerals and the ever elusive vitamin D.

And second, the pigs have arrived!!! Meet Ginger and Dock. They are a 7 week old Tamworth/Duroc cross, brother and sister pair.
Thus far they are settling into their new home nicely, they take lots of naps during the day. Ginger particularly enjoys left over buttermilk while Dock loves to have his belly rubbed, both enjoy a good ear scratching.



We are so excited for you all to get here and start making some left overs for us to share with our new porcine friends!!