New Beginnings

Today was the first full day of activities and hikes on The Preserve for Session 2 and there was no shortage of discovery or adventure. During morning hikes campers found rat snakes, slugs, owls, deer prints, and counted coup on some other Mentor groups. Some campers even had the chance to observe a rattlesnake at closer quarters than ever before when a group found one dead and used as an interesting opportunity for some scientific observation.

After (of course) a wonderful Rest Hour, campers finally had the chance to go to their first activities! Before long, “aum”s could be heard coming from yoga at the gazebo and bells were ringing atop the climbing tower. During free time, campers got together for the swim review, rotating between games and music on the field and singing “Happy Birthday” to The Queen of the Lake while they swam.

Tonight’s activity was perhaps the most beloved and anticipated of the summer: Predator Prey. After dinner, cabins flocked to the front field decked out in their finest camouflage, ready to fight their way through the forest food web. When the final insects and frogs had been eaten (or emerged unscathed from the forest floor) they reunited with the snakes and hawks on the front field to debrief and snack before bed.

  • Jaclyn, Whipoorwill 2 Counselor