Livin' it up on the Outer Banks

The Outer Banks Expeditioners are livin’ it up on the coast. Friday, they completed a paddle up a tributary of the White Oak River on Hunter’s Creek. For a portion of the paddle the group choose to paddle in silence and all felt closer to nature. Everyone also successfully completed self rescues, a skill that is worthy of practicing prior to venturing out into the ocean sound.

For the fourth of July, it was quite windy so the group played a lot. Water ballon tosses, relay races, and swimming all occured as they celebrated in style. They also spent some time working on their individual lessons they will all be sharing with the group. For dinner, the Expeditioners cooked up hamburgers and hot dogs and topped it off with some watermelon. Afterwards, they headed to the beach to play some bocce ball and football and wait for the area fireworks. Overall, things are great on the banks. The group is hoping to set out this afternoon for an overnight paddle on the river. Stay tuned for more details!