The Excitement of A New Session

It’s late July, a time in which the humidity wetly lingers and the heat simmers. As the summer seems to get a little hotter, so does our game! Session Four began Sunday as campers poured into GRP with pillows and blankets, Crazy Creeks, trunks, and fresh, bright smiles. The excitement could not get any greater as some of these campers step onto GRP turf for the first time, and others rejoin their old friends and take in a deep breath of sweet, familiar air.

Excitement looks like this: goofy smiles, tons of energy, piqued curiosity, questions, questions, questions, and bucket-loads of positive attitude. This is what I see at Green River Preserve when I look around at all of our new Session Four campers. They are swimming in excitement, and they can’t wait to begin all of their new activities. Some kids are looking forward to fly fishing with Catherine, or mountain biking with G, among many other activities such as: knitting, fencing, canoeing, climbing, and trail running. What would camp be like without the buzz of campers’ excitement and joy? Well, it just wouldn’t be camp at all! This is what our campers and staff live for, and it lasts throughout the entire session, because there are always so many rad programs, hikes, and activities to look forward to each and every day.

It’s only Monday and I’ve heard so many riveting stories about the hikes that kids have gone on. Some have gone to Uncles Falls and have stood under the chilly waterfall (they are now proud “Polar Bears”!), and some have gone to the farm to visit Rachel and Phil, pet the rabbits, and munch on delicious food fresh from the garden. Campers gush about the highlights of their hikes and express their eagerness for tonight’s evening program, Predator Prey. With so many exciting things going on, one thing’s for sure: it’s going to be mighty tough to choose just ONE Rose during each night’s Rose, Bud, Thorn at the end of the day.

  • Jessica, Spirit Winds 2 Counselor