It Is Time

You are Green River Preserve. While it may sound peculiar, this is very much true. Our strength comes from our collective voice, our shared vision, and the constant vigilance necessary to unplug and connect with nature. Day in and day out, your voice is being heard, and campers, staff, alumni and our environment are reaping the benefits. We all are.

It is time. We need you. Green River Preserve, the non-profit organization you love, needs you. We want to advocate for Green River Preserve being your organization or, at the very least, one of the three associations you choose to contribute to annually. Not only are we an educational organization, we are one that cares passionately about the environment. We like to say, “We are raising up our future stewards of the earth.” To top it off, you – our supporters – believe in our mission and us. You have experienced the magic of Green River Preserve in some aspect. You know how amazing this place is and what time here can do for the soul.

Let us be an organization you give to annually. Perhaps you already give to your alma mater or an environmental organization. Let us be your two-for-one so that you can give to both of these worthwhile causes. We are a pioneer program that values time outside, unplugged, and unstructured connecting with nature. You know this. You believe in us. And unlike when you give to larger organizations, and have no idea where your money goes…here, you have a voice. You know your money will go to an investment in this place and the people who experience the magic of the land. Make a donation today. Make a donation for Green River Preserve.

Make your donation to Green River Preserve today.