
This has been a day of great discovery for many campers and staff. Here at GRP, there is something that we like to call a Grand Slam. A Grand Slam is when a black bear, a venomous snake, a wild turkey, and a white tail deer are all spotted during the same session.

For a sighting to count, both campers and staff members need to see each animal. We have been inching our way closer and closer to a Grand Slam over the past two days. Yesterday morning one of the counselors on staff went for a morning run and spotted a mother bear and her cubs.

Later in the day, one of the mentors spotted a deer and a wild turkey. We are halfway to a Grand Slam from all of the neat animals spotted while on Mentor hikes today. Two hiking groups spotted wild turkey, while another group spotted a copperhead!

Mentor hikes are held dearly by many campers (and staff). Today, groups hiked the Balds, the mine and the cave, Uncle’s, and the river. Each group made many new discoveries while out and about. These discoveries were as varied as examining macro-invertebrates at the river to spotting wild turkey on several trails. Salamanders were abundant on hikes throughout the week, as well as edible plants.

Campers returned from Mentor hikes to Base Camp with many stories to tell and bits of information that they learned. While this first session of camp is more than halfway finished, campers can expect to discover much more before they leave Green River Preserve.

-Kaitlyn Murphy