BRX back packin' to fun

BRX has just returned from their backpacking trip with many adventures. After experiencing Worley’s cave the group moved right into the Mountain to Sea trail in the Potato Knob area. The group camped near Mt. Mitchell and Commissary hill. Everyone really enjoyed this campsite and had a great time cooking dinner and setting up tarps. This section of the trail is so pretty and everyone loved spending the night there.

The group had an amazing time camping. One of the highlights was camping under Douglas falls. They really enjoyed camping under a 70 foot waterfall! They ate wild blueberries, saw a bunny, and got to experience many beautiful overlooks. When the group arrived to the waterfall everyone got in and washed their hair and got cleaned off. Everyone in the group is doing well and having a ball. Many fun games are being played. Everyone is really getting into figuring out riddles and testing out their mental skills. Once they returned from backpacking they went to Base Camp to take a warm shower and indulge in pizza! Today the group plans on going swimming and taking this day to rest and relax so everyone is ready for more adventures to come.