Camper Creativity at GRP

By Dasha Alexander

At Green River Preserve campers exercise and explore their creativity in new ways each day. From collaborative boat building in Nature Art to Large Format Puppetry plays by the lake, campers get the opportunity to express themselves in diverse and exciting ways. Structured activity periods offer opportunities to work with mediums like wood, stained glass, and clay, while free time in the afternoon gives the campers a chance to develop their skills on their own.

During this time it is never a surprise to see a kid run out of hammock-ville with a bowl made of leaves or a group of campers laying in the grass covered in mud. Outside of activity periods and free time, kids surprise us every day with creative new names for their hiking groups, elaborate games they create with their friends during cabin time and flash mob dances in the dining hall. Not a day goes by without any creative surprises.