The Western Journey continues!

Thursday afternoon the group hiked to Stoney Pass. Everyone camped on the top of the Pass. They had a very relaxing night, card games were played and dinner was had. It was quite a tranquil night. The group is still amazed by the fact that you can see the Milky Way so clearly at night.

On Friday they group hiked south on the Continental Divide with the Rio Grande to the left and the Animas River to the right. Everyone hiked for a while with high sprits and a readiness to continue their adventure. When they got to their next campsite. They set up camp and enjoyed the evening basking in awe that they were sleeping on the Western Continental divide. Wildflowers were an aspired garden and the stars were brilliant yet again.
Saturday they hiked back to the van. When they got to the van they jumped right into preparing for the next phase of the trip. This started with a trip into town to begin the transition down to the desert where they will be rafting on the Colorado River Through Westwater Canyon. This will be a cool experience for multiple reasons. One of many is the fact that the water that runs through the canyon is snowmelt from the same Mountains that they have been hiking on for the last few weeks. The group is feeling great and can’t wait for their rafting trip.