Twas the Day Before Campout

By Kristin Caddick

‘Twas the day before campout, and base camp was bustling with stories from morning
mentor hikes. For example, mentor Jon S. led his group of ninja­-like campers up ladders and
ropes towards Big Laurel to explore the creek and the Spire.

There, they explored the terrain by bushwhacking in search of a secret pool. Although they could not find the pool, the trail offered many exciting mushrooms and opportunities to challenge oneself.

Each cabin looks slightly more disarrayed than usual as we begin to stuff our packs with
necessities for the next three days. As much as we love our food at basecamp, we are all
looking forward to s’mores and pancakes. The backcountry brings some kind of magic that makes all the food taste amazing. Tonight, we are looking forward to the Lower Council Fire to hear stories and jams from the Green River Ramblers, our community band. Stay tuned for updates about Campout!