What are Expeditions?

While sitting with a cabin full of girls today at breakfast many 3-week campers were buzzing about their adventures during camp out. During this conversation one girl looks over with a very distraught face. When I asked her what was wrong she replied, “ This was my last camp out.” At which point another camper brought up Expeditions and had a few questions. Being the Expedition Intern I was more than willing to explain to them what the Teen Leadership Programs that Green River offers.

This conversation sparked many ideas when it came to the progression of Expeditions. The next set for a base camper is the Outer Banks Expedition, which is 2 week sea kayaking trip in Stella where Expeditioners. They have a 4 night sea kayaking tip as well as learn a lot about ocean ecology. After OBX the next step would then be Blue Ridge Expedition. This is a 2 week program that is right in the heart of the Blue Ridge mountains. On this expedition, teen’s hone in on primitive skills, climb, go on a 4 night backpacking trip, and canoe. After that Western would be the next step which is a 4 week program based out of Silverton Colorado. While on Western teens backpack around Colorado and southern Utah, raft down the Colorado River, and climb. The final Program we offer at GRP is the Trail Blazers Expedition. This is a 4 week program based right at Base camp where young adults develop their leadership style and learn how to counsel campers at camp. Completing TBX is the first step to becoming a counselor at camp.

While we do have a lot of amazing programing aspects like climbing and canoeing the heart of the expedition program is to cultivate leaders, develop necessary life skills and have fun. As the Expedition Intern I can say that I believe in the programs at GRP and believe that the Expedition program that does not exist anywhere else because of the culture of GRP and the amazing people.