BRX back packin' to fun

The group just got back from their 4 night backpacking trip with so many amazing stories to tell and so many inside jokes shared. The crew chose to hike on a very water heavy rout.

They got to swim in water almost everyday! Some of the highlights included taking a ferry from one side of Lake Jocasee to the other side. Once they finished their ferry ride they decided to take a nap next to the lake and watch the birds fly over, it was quite a beautiful day. Once the group woke up they hiked some more! When they got to their campsite they made dinner. Everyone enjoyed a delicious dinner of pita pizza. The group also got to visit a waterfall, which most people would describe as breath taking. Once everyone woke up they did some more hiking, all the while playing trail games. The group stopped by the lake to eat some lunch. Once everyone was done with lunch they decided to jump into the lake. The group loved jumping off of a bolder! Everyone had an amazing time. After that the group ate lunch which was mac and cheese.

When the group got back to Reasonover base camp they ate dinner, which consisted of pizza and Oreos (the perfect post backpacking trip meal.) The group enjoyed a resentful evening by the campfire. The conversations mainly consisted of how excited everyone is for the sweet lodge and canoeing.