A New (Year) Resolution

I don’t know about you, dear friends, but regardless of each individual’s varying beliefs in humanity or politics, I felt a bit pulverized after this past year. It’s taken me this long just to reflect on what has changed and how I actually feel about it! But I definitely knew what my resolution for 2017 would be long before the midnight countdown.

I don’t usually make resolutions that begin on January 1st. I find that I am constantly trying to better myself, and so my resolutions could come on any random Tuesday in March. Maybe they have a time limit, maybe they don’t. And if I do commit to a goal for the year, it is usually to develop a new tangible lifestyle habit for myself, like saving money or eating more spinach. This year, however, I made a different promise to myself and not just for 2017: I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing.

I am committed to helping create a memorable camp experience to everyone who drives through our gates. Through my volunteer work with a local youth development program, I’m committed to touching more lives with the power of camp. And I’m committed to working with the American Camp Association to reach their goal that every child in America has the opportunity to go to camp.

In the camp community, we often say to one another, “Wouldn’t the world be better if everything was more like camp?” I’ve always believed this, but I can’t think of a more appropriate time to reconnect, reengage, and push for that to become a reality. Kids need camp, and one day in the not-so-distant future, we will need those kids.

At GRP, we are committed to providing the unique and nurturing program to you each summer. We are committed to finding and hiring the most qualified and engaging staff members out there to care for our campers. We are committed to conserving our land and teaching one another the importance of doing the same so that it will be here when you want to return to it, when you need it to revive your soul. We’re going to keep doing what we’re doing.

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings, Nature’s peace will flow into you. – John Muir