Staff Spotlight: Annie McDonald

For this week’s Staff Spotlight, we caught up with Annie McDonald!

Q: What is your position at GRP this Summer?
A: Counselor

Q: How many years have you been at GRP?
A: This will be my first year at GRP as a staff member and my ninth year overall.

Q: What are you currently doing?
A: I am studying Industrial Design at NC State University.

Q: What is your spirit animal and why?
A: Sea Lion. I saw them at the aquarium this year and they are fun and silly and enjoy life and I feel like I relate to them on a spiritual level.

Q: What are you passionate about?
A: I love arts and crafts, live music, soccer, running, card games, exploring the outdoors and getting to know new people!

Q: What is your favorite thing to do outside?
A: I love playing different games outside, like capture the flag and soccer. I also love hiking new trails, rock climbing and playing in streams and rivers.

Q: Tell us about your favorite trip/experience.
A: My favorite experience was traveling to Scotland this summer with my family. It’s absolutely beautiful and everyone was extremely friendly!

Q: Why did you choose to come back to GRP this summer?
A: I have had some of the best experiences and made some of my closest friends at GRP. I’m always a happier person at GRP and love being there!

Q: What is something interesting that happened to you this year?
A: I became a DJ at my local college radio station. Check me out on 88.1!

Q: Where is your favorite place to hike?
A: My favorite place to hike was in Silverton, Colorado on the GRP Western Expedition. The views were breathtaking!

We’re always looking to add qualified, enthusiastic, and adventurous people to our team!
Know someone who would make a great Counselor or Mentor? Send them our way!