Staff Spotlight: Anders Pokela

For today’s Staff Spotlight, we caught up with Anders Pokela!

Q: What is your position at GRP this Summer?
A: Counselor

Q: How many years have you been at GRP?
A: This will be my first year at GRP as a staff member and my eighth year overall.

Q: What are you currently doing?
A: I’m studying at UNC Chapel Hill. I am double majoring in Political Science and Peace, War & Defense, and minoring in Russian.

Q: What is your spirit animal and why?
A: Easily a penguin, because who doesn’t like to slide around on ice all day?

Q: What are you passionate about?
A: Running, Cycling, Politics, Soccer, the outdoors, TAR HEELS!

Q: What is your favorite thing to do outside?
A: Cycling or running in the woods on a nice Fall day.

Q: Tell us about your favorite trip/experience.
A: Backpacking through Europe last summer with friends. We went to France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, and the Netherlands! We also got to see the Euro 2016 final at the Eiffel Tower with over 100,000 French fans!

Q: Why did you choose to come back to GRP this summer?
A: It has always been my dream since being a camper to come back and become a counselor. Finally, I am able to do it!

Q: What is something interesting that happened to you this year?
A: I waited in line for 3-4 hours to see President Obama speak at Carolina!

Q: Where is your favorite place to hike?
A: Enterprise South nature park in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

We’re always looking to add qualified, enthusiastic, and adventurous people to our team!
Know someone who would make a great Counselor or Mentor? Send them our way!