Staff Spotlight: Kate Williams

For today’s Staff Spotlight, we caught up with Kate Williams!

Q: What is your position at GRP this Summer?
A: Counselor

Q: How many years have you been at GRP?
A: This will be my first year at GRP as a staff member and my eighth year overall.

Q: What are you currently doing?
A: I am majoring in Marketing with a minor in Apparel Design and Merchandising at Appalachian State University.

Q: What is your spirit animal and why?
A: My spirit animal would be a sea otter because they’re so playful and loving, and they love to swim.

Q: What are you passionate about?
A: I’m passionate about helping people see their worth. I encourage others to be proud of who they are, and that they should not let outside factors influence how they value themselves.

Q: What is your favorite thing to do outside?
A: I love anything white water. I have gone white water canoeing and rafting, and love every second of both.

Q: Tell us about your favorite trip/experience.
A: My favorite trip is the Western Expedition because of all the cool places we traveled and explored. My favorite place we went was Velocity Basin because we were told by the locals that it was where Shawn White had a secret half-pipe when he was training for the Olympics. The view at Velocity Basin was also one of the most incredible views I have ever seen.

Q: Why did you choose to come back to GRP this summer?
A: I keep coming back to GRP because of all the people there that have positively impacted my life. I feel most at home at GRP because I am comfortable to be my true, quirky self.

Q: What is something interesting that happened to you this year?
A: Something exciting that happened to me this past year was my girls track team won the state meet. We had set the goal as 7th graders that we would one day win and get a state ring, and so it was really rewarding to finally accomplish that goal as seniors.

Q: Where is your favorite place to hike?
A: My favorite place to hike is all around Boone. It’s so cool to have my backyard at school be the Blue Ridge Parkway because there are so many amazing trails that are so close to campus. My personal favorite is the Snake Mountain trail.

We’re always looking to add qualified, enthusiastic, and adventurous people to our team!
Know someone who would make a great Counselor or Mentor? Send them our way!