Staff Spotlight: Brandon Marshall

For today’s Staff Spotlight, we caught up with Brandon Marshall!

Q: What is your position at GRP this Summer?
A: Media Coordinator

Q: How many years have you been at GRP?
A: This will be my first year at GRP.

Q: What are you currently doing?
A: Freelance Photography

Q: What is your spirit animal and why?
A: The American Black Bear is my spirit animal because of the deep connection I found while photographing the black bears of Revillagigedo Island in Southeast Alaska.

Q: What are you passionate about?
A: I am most passionate about nature and outdoor adventure photography, as well as experiencing the great outdoors in all its glory.

Q: What is your favorite thing to do outside?
A: I love photographing wildlife, landscapes and people adventuring in nature.

Q: Tell us about your favorite trip/experience.
A: I think my favorite trip was when my girlfriend, Samantha, and I drove to Alaska. We spent over two weeks on the road, traveling from Kansas to Prince Rupert, British Columbia, then drove aboard a ferry which brought us to the small island known as Ketchikan. We spent the entire Summer working on the island, where we were able to photograph black bears in their natural habitat, during the height of the salmon run in the “Salmon Capitol of the World.” Hanging out with the bears, with no fences between us, were some of the most amazing moments of my life.

Q: Why did you choose to come to GRP this summer?
A: My girlfriend, Samantha, has worked at GRP in the past and has only had the most amazing stories to tell of how incredible an experience it is. I want to be a part of the experience and capture moments through my lens that will both inspire and show the daily adventures of the campers and GRP.

Q: What is something interesting that happened to you this year?
A: With a group of four friends, including my father, I rafted through the Royal Gorge in Canon City, Colorado. The rapids are Class IV-V and it was insanely intense, especially when our entire raft actually caught air as we flew over “Bird Drop” in the middle of Sledgehammer Rapid.

Q: Where is your favorite place to hike?
A: My favorite place to hike is in the High Peaks region of the Adirondack Mountains of Upstate New York. There are endless trails, mountains, lakes, ponds, rivers and streams to explore. I love the feel of being in the middle of nowhere but somehow feeling at home, which is what it’s like for me every time I hike in the mountains of the Adirondacks.

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