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Make your own choices…

of the final moments of the GRP day is each camper sharing Rose/Bud/Thorn with cabin mates right before lights out. Your Rose is something you really loved about that day, your Bud is something you’re excited about for the next day, and the Thorn is something you lament, or wish had gone better that day, or want to improve upon for the next day.

/Bud/Thorn illustrates flexibility and creativity. Sometimes, counselors or mentors also throw in Stem, which is something that you’ve learned or recognizing how you are improving or have grown. The more future-oriented Bud and Stem can follow Rose and Thorn, or a fifth aspect could be added to the list. This daily recap is not only an opportunity for some personal self-reflection, but also an example of how campers choose their own adventures and perspectives each and every day.