Staff Spotlight: Delaney Oursler

For today’s Staff Spotlight, we caught up with Delaney Oursler!

Q: What is your position at GRP this Summer?
A: Counselor

Q: How many years have you been at GRP?
A: This will be my second year at GRP as a staff member and my eighth year overall.

Q: What are you currently doing?
A: I’m finishing my second year at Emory & Henry college working towards my B.A. in Geography with a minor in Environmental Studies.

Q: What is your spirit animal and why?
A: My spirit animal tends to be a bit fluid and varies with place and time- however, today I would say it takes the form of theater coordinator Dillon Glass.

Q: What are you passionate about?
A: Pretty much every aspect of camp life. In fact, it is difficult for me to find something that I’m NOT passionate about- perhaps tax forms.

Q: What is your favorite thing to do outside?
A: Be.

Q: Tell us about your favorite trip/experience.
A: My favorite outdoor experience to date was definitely GRP’s Western Expedition. It was three weeks of pure joy and adventure. Be sure to ask me about it this summer!

Q: Why did you choose to come back to GRP this summer?
A: It’s where I’m my best me.

Q: What is something interesting that happened to you this year?
A: I’ll be spending three weeks prior to the start of the summer working in a large-scale organic garden and growing enough food to feed folks for a whole camp season! I can hardly wait- it’s my dream vacation.

Q: Where is your favorite place to hike?
A: I came across a relatively unknown hike to a waterfall not too far from my school’s campus last year. I’ve enjoyed taking solo hikes there every so often in addition to sharing this hidden beauty with close friends of mine.

We’re always looking to add qualified, enthusiastic, and adventurous people to our team!
Know someone who would make a great Counselor or Mentor? Send them our way!