Group Learning Projects

Session 3 is well underway and right now, our campers have finished day two of their Group Learning Projects. GLPs are basically advanced skill sessions, where our campers get to choose from a range of Mentor-led experiential education activities. From flute making to rock climbing, our campers get to choose what GLP they’d like to attend, based on their own individual personalities.

While our daily schedule includes many activities that encompass a variety of skill sessions, GLPs stretch out the length of the day, allowing our Mentors to thoroughly dive into the depths of their unique activities. Anther cool aspect of our GLPs is that each Mentor gets to propose their own ideas. One of our Mentors, Samantha, loves to hike and read, so she and a group of campers with similar interests hiked to the “Lake Julia Swim n’ Read” GLP. Campers were able to enjoy a day off Base Camp to read their favorite books, swim in the calm waters of Lake Julia and soak up the sun. One of our esteemed Senior Mentors, Hawk, has an affinity for making and playing Native American flutes. Hawk’s particular GLP introduces campers to the art of flute making, from beginning to end, they learn advanced techniques to create their own wooden flutes. Back in the Cordwood Cottage, our brilliant Theatre Director helped a handful of campers create their very own, very unique puppets during the “Make a Friend” GLP. Through sewing and creative design, some of the puppets included fire-breathing dragons, scale-clad snakes and even a rather dabber creation with a stylish formal tie.

The list of immersive Group Learning Projects goes on. Whether the GLP be an outdoor skill, one of the creative arts or simply getting off base camp to explore the wonderful realm of nature beyond GRP, the last two days were full of adventure, learning and fun.

Brandon S. Marshall