Best Job EVER

“Green river preserve is my home. No matter where I am in life I always know that, if I need it, there is a beautiful valley in the mountains where I can run away to and be comforted by the serenity of the forest. I was hooked from the start as a base camper. I found myself in an environment where every little interest one had, whether it be knitting, bugs, philosophy, or robotics, was encouraged and appreciated by the incredible staff. I became a counselor as soon as possible, and grew more as a human being in that first summer than I thought possible. Since then I have worked at GRP for five different summers as both a counselor and an expedition leader. I have also worked during the fall and spring sessions with Green River’s S.E.E. and KALE programs. What keeps me coming back are the moments when campers are laughing, playing, supporting each other, learning new things, and putting themselves out of their comfort zone. My personal favorite is the look a camper gets when they overcome a challenge, and do something they thought they couldn’t. Being able to facilitate these moments while at the same time working with an incredible community of peers, in one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been, is a privilege and an honor. I could go on an on, but Green River is a place that focuses on community, encouragement, connecting with nature, and the importance of love and play. It is my favorite place on earth, and I will continue to work there for as long as I can.”

-Will R. 2018 HH