Success At SEE

We had our busiest season with SEE school programs this year! Over 800 students from North and South Carolina participated in the GRP program through the spring and fall. Not all students were new, however, and we had fun seeing many familiar faces among our SEE students! These GRP campers helped teach classmates about Ortman and Scrappy, sourwood, and basecamp life.

As they explored property, several of our groups ended up very close to achieving a Grand Slam, with multiple snake, turkey, and deer sightings. As is so often the case, the bear managed to elude our school groups. Nevertheless, groups still had fun Polar Bearing under Uncles Falls, exploring the river with Farmer Phil, and venturing into the cave with Hawk. When they were not out searching for wildlife or exploring, students got to enjoy our new bouldering cave and learned pioneer skills from Snowbear at the Pioneer Cabin. During the evenings, students set off on Night Explorations to discover triboluminescence or to try their hand at fire building and one match fires. SEE programs are a fun time of year for both staff and campers alike as we are thrilled to continue introducing more and more people to the joys of GRP.