Group Learning Projects

As the end of Session Two draws near, our GLP days allow for so many different day-long activities for our campers to experience before their departure on Friday. Campers split off into various Group Learning Projects, from flute-making in the lodge with Senior Mentor, Hawk, to riding pretty gnarly mountain biking trails in DuPont State Forest. GLPs range from adventurous to creative, giving each of our campers the opportunity to participate in a project that fits their fascination. With a daily thunderstorm becoming part of the schedule for the week, thank goodness we had a beautiful morning and were able–for the most part–to wrap up GLPs before the deluge of liquid sunshine.
I think the best aspect of GLPs is that it completely changes things up for our campers. Instead of breakfast/mentor hike/lunch/activity 1, activity 2, activity 3/ free time/dinner/evening program, our campers eat a hardy breakfast and then make pack-out lunches to then take with them as the explore the Preserve in new and exciting ways. One group today was literally out on the land, roaming around, loving life. Another group made pioneer stew and buttermilk biscuits just like they would have in the good ol’ days–and of course, they even whiddled their own spoons to properly enjoy their meal.

With tomorrow being the last full day of Session Two, it’s bittersweet for all of us, but I can’t wait to see how the GLPs will unfold!

Story by Brandon S. Marshall & Photos by Samantha J. Keebler
