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Sydney Hatmaker

Sydney Hatmaker

Hi! I’m Sydney


Sydney Hatmaker will be a first-time counselor at Green River Preserve this summer and she’s pumped to join the family! Working at a camp is perfect because it combines her love of kids and nature. She calls Austin, Texas, home and can usually be found sweating in a yoga studio, hiking the Austin greenbelt with her dog and side-kick Ladybird, going to outdoor concerts and music festivals, or perusing the stacks at a local bookstore. Her favorite days are spent taking longs drives through the Texas hills with loud music, good friends, and the windows down.

Sydney is a rising Sophomore working through a double major in Communication Studies and Literature at American University in Washington, DC. She’s loving the District, but a year in the city has left her a bit nature-starved and she’s excited to spend the summer exploring the woods with a bunch of brave and hilarious kids! She hopes to hunt for waterfalls and go on sunrise hikes with her campers this summer.