Fall Adventures

Our fall crew has mostly departed for the end of the season, but we’ve accomplished so much! In early September, we gathered forces to paint the inside of the Mentor Lodge and a few rooms in the Health Hut. Food donations were delivered thanks to lots of leftovers in the fridge and freezer, which were recently shut down for the winter months. Autumn is statistically long here in this region of NC, but with a wildly warm phase sweeping in over the past couple of weeks, the ever increasingly vibrant color palette has halted. There’s been plenty of leaves falling, yet there still seems to be an uncommon abundance of green spread throughout the forests.

With the unusual warmth of the season, we’ve also taken the opportunity to explore the Preserve and soak in the magic. Most recently, the idea to make cheesesteaks over a fire at Prayer Rock shelter was most assuredly put into action. Jace got the fire going with a bow drill and Sam crisped the buns in aluminum foil and fried up some shredded steak, onions, and peppers on a small skillet over the flames.

If you’re interested in camping on the Preserve, spots are limited until the middle of November. The temperatures are beginning to feel a bit more like fall and with that, hopefully, the remaining greens will transform into the colorful essence of the season. Don’t miss out! Email catherine@greenriverpreserve.org for more information and book your spot today.