On Blue Ridge Expeditions

Although I haven’t been able to be a part of all of the adventures of BRX (although I wish I could have), I was stoked to go paddling with the crew. We set our boats into the French Broad yesterday at Murray’s Branch with high hopes for a day of acquiring new skills and hopefully the chance to see some wildlife. A seven-mile stretch of water lay ahead of us, with small rapids here and there, to keep us on our toes. I love hearing Jace, Will, and Zoe yelling, “T-GRIP,” or “paddle-paddle-paddle,” over the sounds of rushing whitewater. It’s an exciting moment for each of us, heading into the churn of never-before-seen rapids, and around every turn, we were ready and willing to listen and learn. Our positive energy was rewarded when, while hanging out by the banks, we looked downstream to witness a HUGE black bear cross the river by a blue heron. It was a minute I, nor any of the BRXers will ever forget!

Story and Photos by Brandon S. Marshall

Just a big 'ole black bear crossing the French Broad next to a blue heron. No biggie!

Photos below captured by BRX Leader, Jace Besold!