Session 4 Comes to a Close

“How Many, How Much?” by Shel Silverstein

“How many slams in an old screen door?

Depends how loud you shut it.

How many slices in a bread?

Depends how thin you cut it.

How much good inside a day?

Depends how good you live ’em.

How much love inside a friend?

Depends how much you give ’em.”

Session 4 has come to a close. The time we’ve spent together is immortalized in photos and every act of kindness and gratitude has captivated our hearts. The growth we’ve witnessed over the past two weeks has been such a joy to behold. It’s the magical places like the Preserve that give us all the opportunity to be exactly who we are and as we sang at last night’s Upper Council Fire, “We’re our best we at GRP.”