Best Me at GRP

The phrase “I am my best me at GRP” describes in one line what it is like to fully express the most authentic side of you at summer camp. Here, we share a mighty family with bounding personalities everywhere, all of them cherished and imperative to the community. At GRP, everyone has the opportunity to not only connect to nature through mentor hikes and personal interests through our wide variety of activities and GLPs but also to connect with one’s self and feel the freedom and love to express that fully!

GRP has always been a safe place full of joy and good memories for everyone to create and relish in. Here, it is so easy to sit back and admire the world, feeling proud to admire how you have lived in it. It is easy to admire and share your love with peers you have been living with, knowing they feel the same way about you. The friends made at GRP last a lifetime, and the memories also stay with them. Being “my best me” is a simple phrase for what it feels like to express love so freely and receive it tenfold from everyone around you just for being the most incredible you that you can be at GRP.

Story by Neoma Sanchez with photos by Brandon S. Marshall & Samantha Keebler