Day in the Life - Liquid Sunshine

Rain has a special place in the life of GRP. It offers the environment much needed hydration. The rain also provides the staff and campers a new perspective into the natural world around them. It might seem like a disruption to the normal schedule as it prevents some activities from happening but it creates new opportunities and events for the campers. Like the ripples on the lake, the rain pushes us out of our routines and into a new way of life.

Singing in the rain, splashing puddles, and seeing the rainbows after each shower becomes a new rose in the evenings recollections. As activities switch to indoor versions it’s easy to see how the campers can excel in new environments. From the climbing wall to the bouldering cave kids can clamber and test their agility with the hum of rain in the background. Meanwhile activities like pottery and drawing and painting can find new inspiration in the changing scenery.

The rain brings a reflective mood to camp. Staff and campers alike have time to reflect as their schedules change. Rain becomes a welcome if unexpected presence, however, during campout rain is an expected reality. A common phrase on the preserve is “it always rains on campout” and truer words can not be found. Liquid sunshine often accompanies our backpacking excursions to the exasperation of the campers.

Another opportunity the rain provides us at GRP is more educational as we can point out aspects of the water cycle and how it impacts the deciduous rainforest that makes up The Preserve. With our population of salamanders, plants, deer, and turtles the rain is a source of much needed hydration in the summer heat. With hot days and cool nights the rain can cut the heat for our hikes while maintaining the water needs of those around us. When faced with exasperation or disappointment from the campers it is a good opportunity to let them learn about how the rain can be beneficial to the environment and natural world even if it can inhibit our plans. The rain allows us to appreciate the natural world and grow closer to ourselves in the quiet space it provides.

With rain comes growth, and nowhere better can show that than the trails of Green River Preserve. Each day the campers reach new heights and personal records showing how they tried and invested themselves in the opportunities around them. Like plants that spring up after a summer shower, the campers grow each day in ways that they never expected. It is the unique growth that rain and summer at GRP bring that allows these experiences to hold such meaning in the lives of each individual that comes to the Green River Valley.

Story by Johanna Lamont with photos by Brandon S. Marshall
