LIT Reflection: Itzel Balderas

By, Itzel Balderas

I will always and forever cherish my memories at Green River Preserve, not only because of the dedicated staff and wonderful people there, but also due to the camp’s core values and mission. Participating in the Leadership and Training program not only deepened my understanding of wilderness first aid and how to interact with campers, but it also instilled in me the confidence to pursue my goal of working with children.

I greatly appreciate the first two weeks I spent at Green River Preserve [as an expeditioner in 2023], as it provided a solid foundation of knowledge that allowed me to build upon my initial understanding of leadership skills. I particularly enjoyed the time spent with my leaders, Mckay and Ethan, who created a safe space for my peers and I to learn, plan, and take responsibility. As a group, we were each assigned the task of teaching one another a specific skill, which required us to confidently take charge based on the needs and understanding of the campers we would be working with. Although I was initially intimidated by the workshops and lessons, I can confidently say that they were essential in helping me understand the needs I, as a Leader in Training (LIT), had to meet for the campers. Additionally, we dedicated a day to completing a course in first aid and CPR/AED to obtain our certifications before being assigned to a cabin. The time we spent teaching each other and training equipped us with the necessary skills for our roles.

Overall, my favorite aspect of my time at GRP was the people I met. My group leaders, Mckay and Ethan, did everything they could to ensure our well-being and comfort. Since we were a small group of four, we knew we could rely on each other for support. Every moment spent there was filled with nothing less than laughter, joy, and pure excitement as we engaged with the campers. We were constantly up to something whether it was assisting counselors and mentors with morning hikes, participating in a five-day backpacking trip, enjoying one-on-one mentor time, or, my favorite, sharing meals with the campers! Additionally, my group leaders taught us skills that were not only applicable to GRP but also valuable for life after high school. They were the best at covering everything we needed to know. Because of my experience in the LIT program, I can confidently say that I feel prepared and equipped with the right skills. I am now a Sunday school teacher at my church, and I am very grateful for the lessons I learned at GRP.