GLP Days

One of the most common questions we get from campers new to our two week sessions is, “What’s a GLP?” When explained, the acronym, Group Learning Projects, doesn’t quite encompass what exactly we do on a GLP day–which might be because we do so much! Campers have their choice of fourteen all-day projects, activities, or field trips, led by a Mentor and a few other staff members.

Today, a group of campers headed to Bear Rock for a day of outdoor climbing; others ventured to the Carl Sandburg house; some honed their skills in a drawing bootcamp while others crafted pie pans from clay and then baked pies!

Our second day will be just as action-packed with a Harry Potter adventure, the construction of a vertical garden, a Dungeons and Dragons day, flute-making, painting, outdoor cooking, and much, much more. GLP’s are truly special days for our older campers to experience in longer sessions, letting them jump out of the standard GRP schedule and try something totally new.

Story by Lillie Wright with photos by Samantha Keebler