Surrounded by Joy

The general theme of today at Green River Preserve: joy. Among the many reverent moments at GRP, we often say, “seek the joy of being alive.” It is apparent in all that we do here. The journey of each day brings Campers closer to themselves, each other, as well as the surrounding natural realm that we are so lucky to be a unique part of.

“Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.” ― Marianne Williamson

This morning, just as our Mentor Hikes were heading out onto the various trails across the 3,400 acre Preserve, it really started to pour. Garbed in a massive rainbow of raincoats, we all piled into the camp buses and sang our way to each respective hike. Although the beginning of our sauntering through the woods was full of precipitation, we all hiked with great conversation and wonder. The curiosity for all things nature is, in itself, quite joyous. To share in these experiences with each other and marvel together at the world we get to explore, in so many ways, is priceless.

Article and photos by Brandon S. Marshall