
It’s quite the rare thing in 2019 to find a place where technology simply does not exist. In a time and world when our phones are constantly attached to our palms, it’s a liberating experience to come to a place where there is almost zero reliance on modern technology. At Green River, leaving our phones, computers, and other devices behind is an opportunity to connect more deeply with one another and the world around us. It’s one thing many campers and staff members really value about this place, and I see interactions every day that might not have happened in the “outside” world. Mealtimes are filled with joyful chatter and conversation, free of glances at text messages or scrolls through social media. At bedtime, campers fall asleep to a book read aloud by their counselor or live music instead of Netflix. Our hikes are experienced more deeply as we focus on experiencing our time in the natural world rather than documenting it. It can often be an attitude adjustment if not an outright challenge for campers and staff members alike, but it’s always been one of my biggest lessons from my time here. Time away from electronics and the related pressures of the outside world allow us to more deeply experience each and every interaction, leaving us with lasting memories, friendships, and joy.

Story by Lillie Wright with photos by Samantha Keebler