Back to Base Camp

After what seems like forever, campers have returned from Campout. They left the Back Field on Friday morning, to trek to their first campsite. Thunderstorms ensued. By Saturday morning, campers were ready early, to make the journey to their next campsite, somewhere else on the Preserve. Depending on age groups, hikes went as far as six miles back into the mountains. Today, with a welcoming pale blue dawn, all backpacking groups made their way back to howl, hoot and holler upon returning.

Campout does bring campers closer to nature, that’s for sure, but a tremendous side effect is the togetherness formed while living out in the woods with only what you’ve carried on your backs. Comradery comes easy when you’re put into survival situations, like trying to make it to your campsite with explosions of thunder all around, or finding fresh water when the nearest stream is thick with debris from constant rain. In these moments, we show who we really are. Thankfully, here we’re surrounded by peers, friends and even siblings, for support, guidance and a general feeling that we are in this together.

Article by Brandon S. Marshall with photos by Brandon S. Marshall & Samantha Keebler