End of Campout--Ice Cream Party!

Today marks the return of our backpacking groups and, officially, the end of Campout. As far as weather goes, it really couldn’t have been any better. We often say, “it always rains on Campout.” I mean, we even have a shirt in the Camp Store that features that particular quote. The entire weekend was void of rain. Nothing. Nada. Campers were lucky enough to journey into the mountains, prepared for rain, thunder and lighting, and ended up never even having to reach for their raincoats. Lucky.

Upon their return, Campers emptied their backpacks and had the chance to clean up before lunch. Oh, the chicken tenders were good, let me tell you. We ate heaps of them, dunked them in ranch and honey mustard, and we even enjoyed a side salad to even things out a bit. Then came GLP(Group Learning Project) skits, when we all get to hear about the fun and interesting options our Mentors have devised for Wednesday and Thursday. GLPs range from making and playing music to creating a means to save an egg from a death-defying drop off the Climbing Tower. Then, with a little help from everyone on staff, we put together an Ice Cream Party to celebrate our Gran Slam, having seen a deer, a bear, turkeys and venomous snakes. If you’re looking to make campers happy, apparently ice cream is a good way to go.

Article by Brandon S. Marshall with photos by Samantha Keebler